Kalimajaro International Business Banking Interest Account

Maximise earnings -- - there are active interest on each loan balance above the required threshold

Bank anytime -- 24 hours of access to accounts via Internet Banking to monitor account balances, transfer funds and similar options

Account features

Balances & Fees

To open the account you need a minimum amount

The monthly service fee is charged on the last business day of the month in which the account balance falls below the required minimum

During the first 3 months there will be no monthly service pipes

See your local office for more information about the amount and the minimum service fee.

See your local office for additional information regarding the minimum amount and monthly service fee


The last day of work will be credited, the daily interest calculated on the last day of each month

The interest is paid taking into account each day when the account balance has met the minimum balance requirements

Rate structure levels, allowing higher returns, such as the growth of the account balance. We can arrange for the permanent service on behalf of the client to allow the payment of utility bills, repayment of loans and cross transfers of accounts.

Additional Features

free deposits

And 'possible to transfer the surplus in this account from an established account; both the International Bank Account Kalimajaro or chequing account bank Finance Unlimited chequing through our Internet Banking and Instant Teller services

FREE Internet Banking is organized with the bill payment. Some operations (eg transfers), will provide for the additional costs

A statement FREE is available only through the Internet Banking service

A mini-FREE statement of the last 10 transactions is given adai our instant Tellers

For an additional cost you can take statements mail

The statements will be sent free of charge to his customers without access to the Internet Banking

24 ?? Now Automated Telephone Banking

You may enter into agreements with the client to set the bill payments, bills, loans and the transfer of funds through accounts

Special Conditions

Banking Free at Banco Fibra S.A Rural Community Bank LTD tellers snapshot is only available to companies that are part of a category below:

Sole Trader / holder

The corporate account provides only a signature, on behalf

Business account gives more of a signature and a unique signature to perform operations on the account. It involves a fee for withdrawals at ATMs and informative non-bank financing.

moments Banco Fibra S.A Rural Community Bank LTD Tellers have 24 hour access to cash withdrawals, mini-statements, transfers and other transactions using the Bank Finance Paper

Peculiarities of this product will vary depending on location. You are invited to contact the local office for more information.